How are you a problem solver at work? How are you going about changing the attitudes behind your weight gain? How
are you going about changing the behaviors behind your weight gain? How are you persuasive when you have an idea at work? How
are you preventing becoming outdated at work? How are you spending money? How are you trying to improve your credibility
at work? How are you with apologies? How are your politics related to your gender? How big is the universe? How
big of an aquarium do you have? How can a house burn up when it burns down? How can batteries die? How can chickens
run around with their heads cut off? How can I believe in Justice? How can we work exercise into our daily routine? How
can you bolster your immune system? How can you cut back spending money? How can you deal with stress in a way other
than eating? How can you keep illness from depleting finances? How can you make your home sell faster? How can you
minimize a large nose with makeup and clothing? How can you move your money worry into money action? How close could
you get to Ground Zero and survive? How closely do you follow a recipe? How closely do you follow health news? How
concerned are you about identity theft and your money? How concerned are you about your pet's health? How conscious
of your financial situation are you? How could your doctor's office be more patient friendly? How did it come about
that men wore pants and women wore skirts? Didn't "cave people" all dress alike? How did you choose the eating plan you
are on now? How did you choose your dentist? How did you choose your pets? How did you come up with your iVillage
username? How did you come up with your member name? How did you decide how much to spend on a car? How did you
decide how much to spend on a house? How did you decide on your career? How did you decide to work from home? How
did you discover your writing ability? How did you feel about your earliest money experience at the time? How did you
feel about your first period? How did you find the doctor you have now? How did you find the kennel you use? How
did you find your current position? How did you find your pet? How did you find your vet? How did you first become
interested in horses? How did you know he was the "one"? How did you learn to cook? How did you learn to manage
money? How did you learn to play your sport? How did you learn your extreme sport? How did you learn your fitness
routine? How did you make a mattress buying decision? How did you meet your best friend? How did you meet your dh?
How did you meet your partner? How did you meet your SO? How did you name your pets? How did you react to that
trophy? How did your parents discipline you? How did your parents meet? How did your parents view money? How
do I come to terms with death? How do I make sense of suffering? How do keep your thoughts positive during a job search? How
do they get a full glass of milk in one slice of Kraft cheese? How do you answer "If you were an animal, what animal would
you be?" How do you answer "What are your goals?" How do you answer "What can you do for us that other candidates can't?" How
do you answer "What did you like least about your last job?" How do you answer "What salary are you seeking?" How do
you answer "What three positive things would your last boss say about you?" How do you answer "When were you most satisfied
with your job?" How do you answer "Why are you leaving or why did you leave your last job?" How do you answer "Why do
you want to work here?" How do you answer "Why should we hire you?" How do you answer "Would you hire yourself for the
position I described?" How do you avoid "hot spots" in your grocery store? How do you avoid debt reduction set backs? How
do you avoid getting sick? How do you balance work and the rest of your life? How do you balance your family's desire
for tempting off diet foods with your cravings for them? How do you beat the odds in a job search? How do you boil water? How
do you break an egg? How do you budget for gifts? How do you calculate how much you should set aside for emergencies? How
do you camouflage a double chin? How do you carve a turkey or a chicken? How do you choose a backpack? How do you
choose a brand of interior paint? How do you choose a good exercise class for you? How do you choose a new car? How
do you choose make up colors? How do you choose what to wear in the morning? How do you clean make up stains off of
clothing? How do you clean pantyhose? How do you clean up rabbit smell? How do you clean your birdfeeder? How
do you clean your crock pot? How do you clean your pet's dishes? How do you conceal scars? How do you conserve electricity
to save money? How do you cook a steak? How do you curb hunger? How do you curb hunger? How do you deal with a
territorial rabbit? How do you deal with accidents? How do you deal with an aloof rabbit? How do you deal with anger? How
do you deal with being a life long clean plate club member and eating sensibly? How do you deal with chewing? How do
you deal with cracked nails? How do you deal with diet plateaus? How do you deal with feelings you used to suppress
by eating? How do you deal with frustration? How do you deal with large portion sizes at restaurants? How do you
deal with money conflicts in your relationship? How do you deal with PMS cravings? How do you deal with setbacks on
your diet? How do you decide how much money you can spend on a new car? How do you decide how much money you should
PAY for the car you have chosen? How do you decide if something has just been in the fridge too long? How do you decide
the right jewelry look for work? How do you decide the right makeup look for work? How do you decide what size to buy? How
do you decide your workout routine is effective? How do you decorate your workspace? How do you define success at work? How
do you define yourself politically? How do you demonstrate leadership at work? How do you detect lies at work? How
do you determine reasonable salary expectations? How do you determine what charities to give to? How do you discipline
yourself to write regularly? How do you distinguish between physical and emotional hunger? How do you envision your
financial future? How do you exhibit self consciousness about food when buying it? How do you exhibit your self consciousness
about food when eating at restaurants? How do you exhibit your self consciousness about food when ordering in? How do
you feel about alternative medicine? How do you feel about beauty pageants? Have you ever been in one? How do you feel
about birth control? How do you feel about going to the dentist? How do you feel about going to the doctor? How do
you feel about grocery store sample ladies? How do you feel about gruesome books? How do you feel about housing areas
where the houses all look alike? How do you feel about local politics? How do you feel about reality tv shows? How
do you feel about recreational drugs? How do you feel about sundresses? How do you feel about SUVS? How do you feel
about taming wild animals and keeping them for pets? How do you feel about the President? How do you feel about the
redesign of US currency? How do you feel about therapy? How do you feel about vaulted ceilings? How do you feel about
your boss? How do you feel about your co-workers? How do you feel about your earliest money experience now? How do
you feel about your financial situation as a couple? How do you feel about your period now? How do you feel after a
workout? How do you feel mentally right now? How do you feel physically most of the time? How do you feel physically
right now? How do you feel when people mention your weight loss? How do you feel when people mention your weight? How
do you feel when you get into a fight? How do you feel when you witness a fight? How do you find friends to join you
in your sporting activities? How do you find masks and facial products that you like? How do you find new places to
visit online? How do you find out how much money actually goes toward the cause you are giving to support? How do you
find peace? How do you find time to read? How do you find time to write? How do you find vacation bargains? How
do you flip a pancake? How do you foster good relationships with coworkers? How do you generally feel mentally? How
do you get a flatter, toned tummy? How do you get back on a diet when you fall off? How do you get better when you have
a cold? How do you get from place to place? How do you get rid of and keep hangnails away? How do you get rid of
ants when they come into your home? How do you get rid of callouses on your feet? How do you get rid of fire ants? How
do you get rid of telemarketers? How do you get rid of unwanted eyebrow hair? How often? How do you get skunk smell
off your dog? How do you get that "sun-kissed" look? How do you get your partner to understand that it is necessary
to get finances in order? How do you get your pets ready for a new baby? How do you handle allergic reactions to a beauty
product? How do you handle closing the interview? How do you handle it when winter weather keeps you from pursuing your
favorite outdoor fitness or sports activity? How do you handle pain? How do you handle pre-interview jitters? How
do you handle windblown hair? How do you handle work related stress? How do you harvest lettuce? How do you hear
about new openings at your place of business? How do you hide or fill large pores? How do you hide spider and varicose
veins? Have you tried vitamins to reduce them? How do you hide undereye circles? How do you hope your weight loss will
affect your health? How do you ice sore parts of your body? How do you identify mentors? How do you improve your
vocational skills? How do you inform yourself prior to voting? How do you jazz up your diet without adding fat or calories? How
do you keep computer cords from being a tangley mess? How do you keep consistency in distance from the reader in your
writing? How do you keep consistency of voice in your writing? How do you keep foods at parties at the right serving
temperature? How do you keep in shape with a busy schedule? How do you keep paper towels in your house? How do you
keep the interview based on your strengths? How do you keep track of recipes you find and want to try? How do you keep
up with trends in your business? How do you keep weekends from breaking your diet? How do you keep which house is which
straight when house hunting? How do you keep your cat from scratching furniture? How do you keep your hands soft and
smooth? How do you keep your medication out of the hands of children? How do you know it is time to eat? How do you
know when you are in love? How do you know when your writing is complete? How do you know you are hungry? How do
you know you have messed up during or after an interview? How do you like dressing rooms? How do you like to wear your
makeup to go to a bbq? How do you like to wear your makeup to go to a nightclub? How do you make a hamburger? How
do you make an omelet? How do you make chicken noodle soup? How do you make decisions? How do you make notes for
your writing? How do you make pie pastry? How do you make salad? How do you make sure something fits your decorating
scheme or colors before purchase? How do you make tea? How do you make travel arrangements? How do you make your
writing follow a linear path? How do you make yourself be heard at an interview? How do you make yourself feel better? How
do you make yourself stand out in a job search? How do you manage fleas? How do you manage mosquito problems in your
yard? How do you network? How do you not catch a cold that is going around? How do you organize your cds? How
do you organize your closet? How do you organize your junk drawer? How do you organize your writing space? How do
you organize your writing? How do you overcome your exercise barriers? How do you pamper your pet? How do you pamper
yourself on a budget? How do you pay for shopping sprees? How do you picture the end of the world? How do you picture
the fat in your body? How do you picture your funeral? How do you pinch pennies? How do you plan for major purchases? How
do you plan on maintaining your goal weight? How do you plan to be cared for when you are elderly? How do you plan to
care for your aging parents? How do you plan to spend the last years of your life? How do you plan your meals? How
do you polish your shoes? How do you predict a rabbit's change of mood? How do you prefer to keep in touch with other
people? Phone? email? Instant message? snail mail? How do you prefer to travel? How do you prevent chewing by your
rabbit? How do you prevent co-workers from interrupting you at work? How do you prevent co-workers from moving ahead
of you at work? How do you prevent lipstick bleeding? How do you prevent lipstick from leaving marks on coffee cups
and people you kiss? How do you prevent litter box mess? How do you prevent stomach upset from vitamins? How do you
prevent your nail polish bottles from becoming a sticky mess? How do you prevent yourself from overeating when you are
not hungry? How do you prevent yourself from overeating when you have waited too long to eat? How do you prevent yourself
from spending money foolishly? How do you pronounce Pecan? Pe-CAN or Pe-Kahn? How do you protect your credit report? How
do you protect your personal financial information? How do you provide non-food sweetness in your life? How do you react
to a long line to get into an event? How do you react when someone accuses you of discrimination? How do you react when
you don't get a job offer you want? How do you reduce your chance of being audited by the IRS? How do you remember to
drink more water? How do you remember to take your medicine? How do you remember which recipe is in which cookbook? How
do you remove WATERPROOF makeup? How do you remove your makeup? How do you reward yourself during a job search? How
do you reward yourself for exercise? How do you reward yourself for exercise? How do you reward yourself for sticking
to your diet? How do you ride your horse? How do you save money on auto insurance? How do you save money on groceries? How
do you save money on sports equipment? How do you save money on vacations? How do you save money on your work wardrobe? How
do you save time in the kitchen? How do you save time on your makeup routine if you are in a hurry? How do you sell
yourself at an interview? How do you set mini goals? How do you set your monetary priorities? How do you shake the
salt habit? How do you share finances in your house? How do you show interest in people at work? How do you show
your organizational skills at an interview? How do you speed weight loss up when it slows down? How do you spend your
tax rebate? How do you spend your weekend? How do you start your day carb free without egg whites? How do you stay
in your bosses good graces? How do you stay off the diet roller coaster? How do you stay on your diet when you are on
a business trip? How do you stay on your diet when you are on vacation? How do you stay on your diet when you visit
family? How do you stop spending money you don't have? How do you store fresh vegetables? Have you tried any of those
special bags for storing fresh veggies? Do they really extend the storage time? How do you store pet feed? How do you
store your lids to pots and pans? How do you store your medication at the correct temperature? How do you talk to your
elderly parents about finances? How do you teach children to be gentle with your pets? How do you tell the difference? How
do you tell your partner their fly is undone? How do you think literacy can be improved? How do you think you will feel
when you reach your goal weight? How do you time your pitch for a raise? How do you track what you eat? How do you
track your finances? How do you treat a cough? How do you treat a cut? How do you treat a sore throat? How do
you treat an "ice cream headache?" How do you treat car sickness? How do you treat chapped lips? How do you treat
constipation? How do you treat diarrhea? How do you treat hemmorhoids? How do you treat sports related injuries? How
do you treat your headaches? How do you treat your pet? How do you try to live simply? How do you unwind at the end
of your day? How do you use metaphor in your writing? How do you use vertical rhythm in your poetry? How do you
want to spend the last minutes of your life? How do you wash salad greens? Do you dry them? How do you weed? How
do you work on your communication skills before an interview? How do your bosses feel about you? How do your friends
and family regard your financial ability? How do your siblings money habits compare to your own? How does coming to
this board help support you in your diet? How does coming to this board help support you in your exercise goals? How
does recycling work in your town? How does skating on thin ice get you into hot water? How does your budget situation
make you feel? How does your car look like you? How does your money handling relate to how your parents handled money? How
does your pet react to storms? How does your poetry change a tradition of poems? How does your poetry fit into a tradition
of poems? How does your public image differ from your private self? How does your relationship hinder you reaching your
goals? How does your relationship with your partner help you in your life goals? How effective are you using eye contact
and body language in interviews? How far ahead do you pack for vacation? How far would you travel to be with someone
you desire? How fast can you get dressed and ready to go out? How fast do you read? How great a role do you think
"knowing the right people" plays in getting ahead in school or in work? How hard is it to stick to your budget? How
has financial stress affected how you feel about your job? How has financial stress affected your family life? How has
this board made a difference in your life? How has your body image changed since you were a child? How has your diet
affected your health in the past? How has your health effected your ability to do your job? How has your health effected
your family life? How has your health effected your relationships? How have credit cards affected your debt load? How
have you attempted to improve your writing? How have you changed since you were in high school? How have you cut your
fat intake? How have you cut your fat intake? How have you cut your intake of "empty calories?" How have you cut
your sugar intake? How have you lost friends other than death? How have you moved past diet plateaus? How have you
negotiated your salary? How have you picked the best job offer when you have gotten more than one? How have your relationships
with your parents changed since you were a child? How have your relationships with your partner changed since you first
met? first got married? How high do you clip your grass? How important do you think you are to your partner? How
important is art in your life? How important is competition with others in your work? How important is it for an author
to use conventional grammar? How important is it for an author to use conventional spelling? How important is it that
people regard you as an expert at work? How important is it to you that you be financially secure? How important is
it to you that you have a sense of achievement at work? How important is it to you that you have fun at work? How important
is it to you that you work for a company you believe in? How important is it to you that you work for a good cause? How
important is it to you to conserve the environment? How important is it you are respected for your work? How important
is music in your life? How important is public contact to you in your work? How important is risk taking to you in your
work? How important to you is other people's respect? How important to you is the right to vote? How in tune do you
feel the fashion industry is with women's needs? How is communication in your world? How is gender represented in art? How
is interviewing like dating? How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a
campfire? How is morale at your office? How is the water pressure in your house? How is your car's stereo system? How
is your cash flow? How is your current diet affecting your health? How is your outlook when you run into a financial
challenge? How is your pantry organized? How is your pantry/cupboard laid out? How is your skin reacting to your
diet? How late does your doctor run? How long a hot dog would you be? How long are your fingernails? How long
did you save before buying a house? How long do you have to wait for an appointment with your doctor? How long do you
spend on your makeup on an average day? How long does it take for you to get completely unpacked after you move? How
long has it been since the last mass extinction? How long have you been an iVillage member? How long have you been married? How
long have you been using your skin care products? Do you use the same brand or mix 'n match? How long is the longest light
in your town? How long is the wait for your doctor after your appointment time? How long were you on your diet before
you lost weight? How long were you on your first diet? How long would it take you to find out exactly how much money
you owe? How long would you allow your mother to visit you? How long would your partner be willing to have your mother
visit you? How many "For Dummies" books do you have? Which ones? How many beauty / health products do you use on a daily
basis? How many bookmarks do you think you have? How many books do you read a week? How many books do you read in
a year? How many bookshelves do you have? How many bookshelves do you NEED? How many changes of sheets do you have? How
many checks do you write a month? How many cookbooks do you have? How many coolers do you have? How many coolers
have spiders or mildew in them in your garage? How many credit cards do you have? How many credit cards do you think
a family should have? How many cup holders in your car? How many diets have you been on? How many different condiments
are in your refrigerator right now? How many drinks is your limit? How many gifts this year will be homemade? How
many homes/apartments have you lived in during your life? How many hours a week do you work? How many jars of spices
do you have right now? How many loads of laundry do you do a week? How many of your plastic storage dishes have lost
their lids? How many pairs of fingernail clippers do you have? How many pairs of pants do you own? How many pairs
of shoes do you own? How many paying jobs have you had? How many people do you usually invite for a gathering? How
many people have asked you to marry them? How many people have you said "I love you" to? How many pets do you have? How
many pets is too many? How many pieces of email do you get a week? Of those, how many do you actually think you read? How
many pieces of work related email do you receive each day? How many potholders do you have? How many potholders do you
have? Are any homemade? How many seed catalogs do you get? How many siblings do you have? How many species of birds
regularly visit your yard? How many stale dead fries are in your car? How many table cloths do you own? How many
things sit on your bathroom sink? How many times a month do you use the ATM? Is there a fee for ATM usage at your bank? How
many times a week do you exercise? How many times have you moved? How many toes does your cat have? How many tubes
of lip balm do you have? How many tv's do you own in your home? How many types of sugar do you have in your house? How
many unfinished craft projects do you have right now? How many years should you plan on living in an area if you want to
buy a home? How much are you spending on transportation to work? How much are your no choice family bills? How much
are your total interest payments each month? How much cushion do you have in your monthly budget? How much do you crave
adventure and excitement at work? How much do you know about your great-grandparents? How much do you pay in banking
fees each month? How much do you pay on average at the hairdresser? How much do you spend on food each month? How
much do you spend on housing each month? How much do you spend on pet care each month? How much do you spend on pet
food every month? How much do you spend on toiletries each month? How much do you tip your hairdresser? How much
do you value helping others at work? How much do you value helping society in your work? How much do you value opportunities
to be creative at work? How much do you value variety and change in your work? How much do you value working the forefront
of your career? How much do your life and yourself at your current age resemble what you thought they would when you were
17? How much does your pet weigh? How much fat is part of your diet? How much food does your pet eat each month? How
much further? How much hotter is the bottom of a waterfall than the top? How much is gas in your area? How much
is your water bill? How much make up do you wear on a daily basis? How much make up do you wear on a night out on the
town? How much money could you live on comfortably? How much money do you budget for food on vacation? How much money
do you budget for souveniers on vacation? How much money do you generally spend on vacation? How much money do you have
in your wallet right now? How much money do you spend at Starbucks or your favorite coffee shop every week? How much
money do you spend on eating out every week? How much money do you spend on your hobby? How much money does it take
to be happy? How much of your debt is bad debt and how much is ok debt? How much of your decorating is just for beauty
not for function? How much of your life is in your fiction writing? How much pet feed do you buy at one time? How
much privacy do you need to write? How much raking does your yard require in the fall? How much should your initial
bid on a home you want to buy be? How much soy do you eat? How much time a day do you spend online? How much tv do
you watch a week? How much water have you drunk today? How much weight have you lost on other diets only to regain it? How
much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? How often are you paid? How often do you bathe your
pet? How often do you buy a new car? How often do you buy books? How often do you buy fresh make up? How often
do you buy new clothes? How often do you buy new sheets? How often do you change collars or leashes? How often do
you change the litter box? How often do you change your screensaver? How often do you change your toothbrush? How
often do you check email at work? How often do you clean behind your fridge? How often do you clean your birdbath? How
often do you clean your birdfeeder? How often do you clean your desk? How often do you clean your fridge? How often
do you clean your pet's dishes? How often do you clip your cat's nails? How often do you clip your dog's nails? How
often do you compliment people? How often do you cook? How often do you cut your fingernails? How often do you do
major cleaning? How often do you drink milk? consume dairy products? How often do you dust? How often do you eat
out? How often do you entertain? weekly, monthly, a few times a year. How often do you feed your pet? How often
do you fight about money? How often do you get the oil changed? How often do you get your hair done? How often do
you give books as gifts? How often do you give your pet treats? How often do you go shopping? How often do you go
to the dentist? How often do you go to the mall? How often do you grocery shop? How often do you have headaches? How
often do you have your pets groomed? How often do you mop your floors? How often do you mow your lawn? How often
do you order in? How often do you organize a room in your home? How often do you pay bills? How often do you play
with your pet? How often do you reapply sunscreen when you are in the sun? How often do you re-do your budget? How
often do you replace your kitchen sponge? How often do you review your finances? How often do you revise your work? How
often do you reward yourself for progress towards your goal? How often do you run late? How often do you serve seafood
for dinner? How often do you shower? How often do you surf the web aimlessly? How often do you sweep your floors? How
often do you take your pet to the vet? How often do you talk to your mother or other family on the phone? How often
do you think about money? How often do you travel? How often do you try new recipes? How often do you use a dictionary?
Have you ever just read a dictionary? How often do you use a recipe? How often do you use convenience foods? How
often do you use pre-prepared meals? How often do you use your grill during the summer? How often do you vacuum your
floors? How often do you wash your sheets? How often do you water your garden? How often do you water your grass? How
often do you wax your floors? How often do you wax your furniture? How often do you wear jewelry? How often do you
weigh yourself? How often do you weigh yourself? How often do you worry about money? How often does the smoke alarm
go off because of your cooking? How often does your dog "run" in his sleep? How old do you think you will live to be? How
old is life on earth? How old were you when you got your best paying job? How old were you when you got your first
paying job? How old were you when you went on your first diet? How old were you when you went to kindergarten? How
patient are you? How pro active are you when it comes to your health care? How should children be encouraged to read? How
should children be encouraged to write? How should poetry be introduced to children? How strict do you think gun control
should be? Do you think that no one should be able to own and carry a gun? How strong do you like your coffee? How
tall are you? How tidy is your desk (or whatever surface you have your computer on) right now? How well do you handle
a crisis? How well do you handle pain? How would you describe your cheekbones? How would you describe your fashion
statement? How would you describe your yard? How would you feel if you found out one of your parents was having an affair? How
would you feel if your mother remarried? How would you feel if your partner had a model pin up in the garage? In his office?
In your bathroom? How would you hunt down your hair dresser if they left the salon and the salon wouldn't tell you where
she had gone? How would you react if you were to learn that your mate had had a lover of the same sex before you knew each
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