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Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's off to work questions we go!

Are long hours a reflection of hard work?
Are meetings productive at your place of business?
Are regular work hours important to you?
Are you a self starter?
Are you a tidy worker?
Are you actively working on meeting your career goals?
Are you always professional at work?
Are you always the last to know at work?
Are you an organized worker?
Are you careful to use clean language at interviews? What if the interviewer swears?
Are you driven to succeed at your job?
Are you ever too busy to listen at work?
Are you generally on time to work?
Are you good at reading body language at work?
Are you more of a do-er or thinker at work?
Are you pursuing your passion at work?
Are you quick to finish projects at work?
Are you taking classes or getting a degree to improve your position at your current place of business?
Are you willing to say no at work?
Business term, for goods advertised at below dealer price in order to attract customers (2 words, begins with "L").
Can your boss find you when they want to ask you a question?
Describe your best paying job
Describe your first paying job
Did you choose your job for prestige or social status?
Did you know we have all sorts of resources on the Work channel that deal with resumes?
Did your gender affect your career choice?
Did your parents' career choices influence yours?
Do you accept personal responsibility at work?
Do you belong to a union?
Do you belong to any professional organizations?
Do you bring work home?
Do you brown bag it at work?
Do you buy lunch?
Do you check in with work while on vacation?
Do you come across as non-threatening when you ask questions of co-workers?
Do you customize your resume for the job you are applying for?
Do you daydream at work?
Do you delegate effectively at work?
Do you do your homework before asking for a raise?
Do you donate your expertise to any charitable organizations?
Do you dread going to work?
Do you dress for success?
Do you dress professionally when you go to conferences?
Do you drink at business lunches?
Do you eat breakfast before work?
Do you eat lunch at your desk?
Do you enjoy the office you work in?
Do you enjoy the prestige or social status your job brings?
Do you enjoy your job?
Do you ever confide in your boss?
Do you ever criticize your boss?
Do you ever critique your boss to their face?
Do you ever feel resentful towards your boss because they do not see your needs?
Do you ever get bonuses?
Do you ever go out with co-workers after work?
Do you ever lie during interviews?
Do you ever take goodies to work?
Do you ever telecommunte?
Do you ever vent about your job to co-workers?
Do you ever vent about your job to your boss?
Do you feel guilty if you spend time on yourself and not at work?
Do you feel guilty when you take vacations from work?
Do you feel like you have too many plates spinning at work?
Do you feel you are effective at networking?
Do you feel you are wasting your time at work if you aren't accomplishing something?
Do you get a lot done in a short period of time because you are focussed?
Do you get along well with other people at work?
Do you get dressed as if you were going to the office even if you work from home?
Do you get paid vacation?
Do you give credit where credit is due when other people come up with an idea or solution you promote?
Do you have a calm, clear voice you use when dealing with sensitive situations at work?
Do you have a policy at work that you really hate?
Do you have a second job?
Do you have any piercings or tattoos that have hindered your job search or career? Do you regret them?
Do you have flex time at work?
Do you have foreign language skills that you could use at work?
Do you have health insurance through your job?
Do you have projects you want to finish at work?
Do you have the job you trained for?
Do you have the self-discipline to work from home?
Do you have trouble with phone meetings?
Do you interrupt people at work?
Do you know how much other people in your field make?
Do you know how much other people in your office make?
Do you know if your office monitors your internet use?
Do you know what direction your company is moving in?
Do you know where you want to go in your career?
Do you know your co-worker's work patterns?
Do you know your manager's work patterns?
Do you leave aspects of your career to fate?
Do you like performance reviews?
Do you like to work as part of a team?
Do you like your job?
Do you look professional at weekend meetings?
Do you look your boss in the eye when speaking to them?
Do you meet deadlines at work?
Do you miss the adult interaction of working away from home?
Do you need a boss to direct your next move?
Do you negotiate better for other people or yourself at work?
Do you network in off hours from work?
Do you overwork?
Do you own your own business?
Do you participate in office gossip?
Do you participate in office parties?
Do you prefer face to face or phone meetings?
Do you prioritize work assignments successfully?
Do you see situations as opportunities to negotiate at work?
Do you send a follow up letter after an interview?
Do you send a thank you note after an interview?
Do you speak up about what you think are bad policy decisions?
Do you speak up when you are concerned about your job performance?
Do you spend more time trying to get people to like you at work or getting people to respect you?
Do you steal supplies from work?
Do you suggest agenda items for meetings?
Do you take a lunch break at work?
Do you take frequent smoke breaks at work?
Do you take sick leave for personal reasons?
Do you talk about your personal life at work?
Do you think job related stress affects your health?
Do you think of yourself as an individual at work or just as someone responsible for commitments to other people?
Do you think you are too old to change careers?
Do you think you talk too much at work?
Do you toot your own horn at work?
Do you try to fly below the radar at work?
Do you use feng-shui in your office to improve your success?
Do you use special paper for your resume?
Do you use the internet to play from work?
Do you use the internet to shop from work?
Do you use their words when talking to an interviewer?
Do you wear a uniform at work?
Do you wear business casual?
Do you wear perfume to an interview?
Do you whine at work?
Do you work better with a deadline?
Do you work long hours to impress your boss?
Do your co-workers erratic work habits create morale problems in your office?
Do your co-workers get the impression you are too busy for them?
Do your coworkers know what nickname your partner calls you?
Do your neighbors or friends ever ask you to do errands or favors because you work from home?
Does being the gender you are help or hinder you in your career?
Does not working make you anxious?
Does nothing feel as good as a finished project?
Does volunteering with an organization give you an in to a paying job there?
Does working from home mean that you are never free from work or family?
Does your boss know you are seeking a better position?
Does your boss prioritize well?
Does your boss see you as an individual or just as a "worker bee"?
Does your boss understand and support your career goals?
Does your company have a policy against office dating?
Does your company offer benefits?
Does your company offer comp time?
Does your company offer employee stock options?
Does your company offer on the job training?
Does your company offer overtime?
Does your company pay for classes you take related to your position?
Does your job description accurately describe the job you actually do?
Does your office block access to any internet sites?
Does your place of business have any sort of incentive programs for achievement?
Does your work week leave you exhausted?
Does your workplace add to your stress?
Has something you said to a co-worker come back to haunt you? H
Have you adjusted your work patterns to be better for your manager?
Have you determined how to reach your career goals?
Have you ever accidentally sent a personal email to someone at work instead of who it was intended for? What did you do?
Have you ever been approached by a "head hunter?"
Have you ever been on strike? Why?Was it effective?
Have you ever been sexually harrassed at work?
Have you ever been told you were overqualified for a job?
Have you ever been worker of the month?
Have you ever competed with a friend for a job?
Have you ever confided in a coworker and regretted it?
Have you ever considered a career in the military?
Have you ever considered a work from home job?
Have you ever crossed a picket line?
Have you ever dated a boss?
Have you ever dated a client?
Have you ever dated a co-worker?
Have you ever fallen asleep at work accidentally?
Have you ever fallen for a work from home scam?
Have you ever fallen for an easy money work scheme?
Have you ever fired off an email to your boss you have regretted?
Have you ever gotten useful feedback from someone who didn't offer you a job?
Have you ever had to choose between your career and your family?
Have you ever had to take time off because of job related stress?
Have you ever marched on a picket line?
Have you ever negotiated a severence package?
Have you ever outgrown a job?
Have you ever regretted talking about your personal life at work?
Have you ever taken a business etiquette class? Was it worthwhile?
Have you ever taken a job that is usually associated with the opposite sex?
Have you ever taken a mental health day?
Have you ever taken a nap at work?
Have you ever taken a part time job during a layoff?
Have you ever used a career coach?
Have you every bought anything wacky or silly for your desk/workarea? What is it?
Have you taken advantage of programs designed to help you after a layoff?
Have you talked to your boss about how you want your position to grow?
Have you updated your resume recently?
Have you used mentors to move ahead in your career?
Have you volunteered for extra jobs beyond your job description?
How are you a problem solver at work?
How are you persuasive when you have an idea at work?
How are you preventing becoming outdated at work?
How are you trying to improve your credibility at work?
How did you decide on your career?
How did you decide to work from home?
How did you find your current position?
How do keep your thoughts positive during a job search?
How do you answer "If you were an animal, what animal would you be?"
How do you answer "What are your goals?"
How do you answer "What can you do for us that other candidates can't?"
How do you answer "What did you like least about your last job?"
How do you answer "What salary are you seeking?"
How do you answer "What three positive things would your last boss say about you?"
How do you answer "When were you most satisfied with your job?"
How do you answer "Why are you leaving or why did you leave your last job?"
How do you answer "Why do you want to work here?"
How do you answer "Why should we hire you?"
How do you answer "Would you hire yourself for the position I described?"
How do you balance work and the rest of your life?
How do you beat the odds in a job search?
How do you decorate your workspace?
How do you define success at work?
How do you demonstrate leadership at work?
How do you detect lies at work?
How do you determine reasonable salary expectations?
How do you feel about your boss?
How do you feel about your co-workers?
How do you foster good relationships with coworkers?
How do you handle closing the interview?
How do you handle pre-interview jitters?
How do you handle work related stress?
How do you hear about new openings at your place of business?
How do you identify mentors?
How do you improve your vocational skills?
How do you keep the interview based on your strengths?
How do you keep up with trends in your business?
How do you know you have messed up during or after an interview?
How do you make yourself be heard at an interview?
How do you make yourself stand out in a job search?
How do you network?
How do you prevent co-workers from interrupting you at work?
How do you prevent co-workers from moving ahead of you at work?
How do you react when you don't get a job offer you want?
How do you reward yourself during a job search?
How do you sell yourself at an interview?
How do you show interest in people at work?
How do you show your organizational skills at an interview?
How do you stay in your bosses good graces?
How do you time your pitch for a raise?
How do you work on your communication skills before an interview?
How do your bosses feel about you?
How effective are you using eye contact and body language in interviews?
How great a role do you think "knowing the right people" plays in getting ahead in school or in work?
How have you negotiated your salary?
How have you picked the best job offer when you have gotten more than one?
How important is competition with others in your work?
How important is it that people regard you as an expert at work?
How important is it to you that you have a sense of achievement at work?
How important is it to you that you have fun at work?
How important is it to you that you work for a company you believe in?
How important is it to you that you work for a good cause?
How important is it you are respected for your work?
How important is public contact to you in your work?
How important is risk taking to you in your work?
How is interviewing like dating?
How is morale at your office?
How many hours a week do you work?
How many paying jobs have you had?
How many pieces of work related email do you receive each day?
How much do you crave adventure and excitement at work?
How much do you value helping others at work?
How much do you value helping society in your work?
How much do you value opportunities to be creative at work?
How much do you value variety and change in your work?
How much do you value working the forefront of your career?
How often are you paid?
How often do you check email at work?
How often do you clean your desk?
How old were you when you got your best paying job?
How old were you when you got your first paying job?
If you could do any job or be anything what would you do or be? Why?
If you could give your current job a new title to make it seem more exciting, what title would you give your job?
If you could hold any job for one year, what would you choose?
If you could work for any corporation, what would it be?
If you discovered your closest friend at work had forged records, what would you do?
If you had to choose a job that required you to wear a uniform, what would it be?
If you see a slinky on a desk, do you pick it up and play with it or just look at it and enjoy it?
If you were to be told you must get a new job in a different industry today, what would you choose?
If you work outside the home, how did you choose your career?
Is "face-time" at work important or is productivity?
Is colored paper ever appropriate for a resume?
Is every waking hour of your day scheduled?
Is everything negotiable at work?
Is it a bad idea to get cozy with your coworkers?
Is it a bad idea to get cozy with your manager?
Is it better to talk too much at an interview?
Is it dangerous to talk too little at an interview?
Is it important to love your job?
Is it important to you to have intellectual status when it comes to your job?
Is it worth it to take vacation or does work pile up?
Is it your job? Career? Occupation?
Is the look of your office important to you?
Is the opportunity to gain wealth important to you when considering a career?
Is there a group of people you believe are better suited to work you find unpleasant?
Is there any job that you would absolutely refuse to take?
Is there someone at your place of business no one can stand?
Is there someone you can't stand?
Is vacation time important to you?
Is your boss a friend?
Is your salary what you think it should be?
Is your workspace ergonomic?
Number of hours you are expected to work each week
Number of hours you work each week
Should women get paid equal money for equal work?
Something important on your desk:
Something that hangs on your office wall:
The best time of day for me to work is___________
Were you happy with your most recent severence package?
What achievements have made you content?
What answer do you give to the interview question "How do I rate as an interviewer?"
What answer do you give to the interview question "Tell me a story about your last job"
What answer do you give to the interview question "Tell me about yourself?"
What answer do you give when asked about your weakness as a worker during an interview?
What are warning signs during an interview?
What are warning signs you may be fired?
What are warning signs you may be laid off?
What are your strengths as a worker?
What are your weaknesses as a worker?
What career, other than the one you now have, do you find most appealing?
What do you do during slow hours at work?
What do you do if someone asks you an illegal question during an interview?
What do you need to be better organized about at work?
What do you need to be more successful in your career?
What do you tell the interviewer about why you left your last job?
What do you think of your last boss?
What do you wear to an interview?
What does "think out of the box" mean to you? Are you a think out of the box worker?
What factors detract from your current job satisfaction?
What factors give you job satisfaction?
What has been your biggest workplace flub?
What hours do you work?
What is in your briefcase right now?
What is in your pencil drawer?
What is the biggest challenge in balancing work and family life?
What is the biggest challenge to working from home?
What is the biggest con for you of working from home?
What is the biggest pro for you of working from home?
What is the easiest job in the world?
What is the hardest job in the world?
What is the most typical question people ask you when they learn what you do for a living?
What is the most unusual thing in or on your desk?
What is the oddest personal item on your desk/workarea?
What is the pace in your workplace?
What is your best problem-solving skill?
What is your biggest obstacle at work?
What is your dream job?
What is your office internet policy?
What job do you wish you had?
What mistakes have you made that damaged your credibility at work?
What one thing would you change about your job?
What questions do you ask at interviews?
What questions should you never ask at an interview?
What rule at work do you think is really dumb?
What was the last knock out presentation you gave at work? Did it go over well?
What was your first real job?
What word best describes your current work situation?
What would make meetings more productive at work? Have you suggested this?
What would make you change careers?
What would you do if you had the opportunity?
What would you do if you had the talent?
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
When did you decide on a career?
When was the last time you felt calm and reenergized for work challenges?
When was your last interview?
When was your last raise?
When you are late for an appointment and it is your fault, what do you do?
When you discuss your career with others, what do you tend to do?
When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up? What did you become?
When you were little, what did you most want to be when you grew up?
Where do you prefer to have meetings?
Who has been most influential in your career?
Who is close-minded at your office?
Who is the office gossip?
Who makes the decisions at work?
Who writes your job description?
Would you ever change careers?
Would you ever consider being a kindergarten teacher?
Would you ever work for a dot com?
Would you like to be an entrepreneur?
Would you like to have more authority at work?
Would you like to have more power at work?
Would you like to travel often with your job?
Would you like to work in a fast paced environment?
Would you like working in a high risk environment?
Would you rather be rewarded monetarily or with benefits or time off?
Would you rather have a boring secure job or an interesting job with no security?
Would you rather work independently?

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