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con·fi·den·tial [kňnfi dénsh'l ] adjective
Private and secret:  carried out or revealed in the expectation that anything done or revealed will be kept private 2.  For a select group:  not available to the public3.  dealing with private affairs:  entrusted with somebody's personal or private matters con·fi·den·ti·al·i·ty [kňnfi denshee áll tee ] noun con·fi·den·tial·ly [kňnfi dénsh'lee ] adverb

Encarta® World English Dictionary

As part of the team here at iVillage we must always be aware that we should be respectful of our privacy policy. It keeps iVillage a safe, comfortable place for us to play, share, and be part of the community. A large part of that is respecting the privacy of our members.

This often comes to bear with regards to violations of our Terms Of Service. Members will often ask on the board or send email asking about post removals and actions against a member’s account. CLs are not to discuss these matters with members at all. When there is such an email or post on the board, bring it to your mod’s attention. Forward the email. Use the send to a friend to let her know of the post. Do not get involved in discussing it. Even if you did report the possible violation, you didn’t make the decision that it was truly a violation or remove the post. The only response to these posts or emails if you make any at all should be along the lines of “I am sorry. As a volunteer community leader I do not make decisions regarding our iVillage Terms of Service. If you have questions or concerns regarding the terms of service, please contact the mod for this channel via email at (give your mod’s email address here…ask which one she prefers to be used for member communication) or by contacting feedback by using the form at Thank you for your understanding.” 


You should also resist the urge to discuss members with other cls and members. Just don’t do it. I know it is tempting, especially if you are frustrated with a situation on your board. These things should be discussed with your mod and when appropriate with other member’s of the community team. A frustrating situation can also be brought to your team board, as long as you don’t name individual members. If you must name names, that once again should be done privately with your mod or other community team member.


Another important part of confidentiality as a cl comes with regards to the team boards. They are behind the scenes to give cls a safe place to bring concerns regarding their boards and chats as well as a place to really foster team spirit. If a cl can’t trust that what is brought to those boards will be kept confidential, that really hampers that feeling of safety and team spirit. You are not to discuss what is on the boards with members. You are not to link members or former cls to the team boards. It doesn’t matter if they are a friend or a family member. It doesn’t matter how relevant or interesting you think the information will be to them. It doesn’t matter how strongly you disagree with the person on the team board.  Those boards are for cls and other iVillage team members, not for us to share with others. Post to it if you have a comment. Send a note to their mod. Do not make our team boards a place where we are not free to tackle the issues we face each day as cls.


Please take care to remember these things. As stated in our cl guidebook, breaching the confidentiality of members, other cls or staff can lead to your dismissal as a community leader. Don’t let that happen to you.