Confusion over archives is common. Part of it is because of the mysterious
workings of the archive fairy. She shows up to swiffer your board clean when your board has 56 threads on it by the wee hours.
(Currently the archive fairy has been doing her magic around 5:30 am) Fifty-six threads does not mean the top post will necessarily
be fifty-six. If you have had threads removed or if there has been some glitch where a number has been skipped…as happens
from time to time, the number may say something much higher than 56 and you still won’t archive. Count the threads on
the board if you are looking to see if it will archive that night.
Sometimes we get the urge to archive a board right away. It is heavy and slow
loading. It is full of discussions we would like to see die. We are just in the mood for fun and silliness. Well that brings
me to the next topic: archive parties. I in general DO NOT like them. There are a number of reasons for this. On a topical
board, members, especially newbies who have asked a question may come back and not be able to find their post. It may be buried
at the bottom. It may have archived. Even if they do find it, they probably won’t find answers because everyone is up
at the top of the board playing in the archive party.
Which brings me to another point: archive parties kill serious discussion and
good threads. No one wants to drag a board down discussing serious issues when jokes, silliness and noises abound. Don’t
be disrespectful of our members who come to our boards for the purpose the board is intended, talking about things that interest
them, receiving our support and encouragement for issues that trouble or affect them. That is what community is all about.