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Sevens and Fives

These are questions that do well when you ask members to give some number of examples. For example, Sunday Seven...List seven books you love.

ads, commercials or movies that you think send the wrong message to people
ways you treat yourself
places you would like to go (for spring break. winter vacation. summer vacation. on a romantic holiday.)
books you have on your bookshelf
things that have made you smile this week
things that you plan for the week ahead
gifts you would like to receive
ways to describe you
little known facts about you
things in your house you couldn't live without
things you always have to eat in your house
people you would like to meet
people you would like to show up for dinner
people you never want to see again
people you wish you had kept in touch with
people to whom you'd like to pay a compliment
books you would like to read
movies you would like to see
things you would like to change in your life
things you would like to own that you don't already own
songs you know the words to
canned food items in your house right now
ways in which you are the same as when you were younger - things that, when you were young, you'd have probably assumed would be different by now
things that have made weddings (your own and/or others) particularly memorable - in good ways or bad
items you've recently purchased
things you'd like to accomplish in the next week
ways to beat the blahs and rejuvenate yourself
events that have made you feel good about yourself
qualities you have that make you feel good about yourself
things you like to do when you're supposed to be working but don't feel like it
things - major or minor - that you love about your spouse or SO.
qualities your ideal partner would have?
women you admire (famous or not)
things you like about yourself
things that irritate you about your spouse or SO
qualities, habits, or events that have caused or would cause you to reject a potential partner
adjectives that describe you
things you would like to change about your house
times you have felt left out
things you love about this board
(objects or living beings) in your home that give you comfort?
things you like about your job.
friends from high school and do you still keep in touch with them?
condiments in your fridge
uses for ketchup
times when you have known you needed to make a big decision in your life
ways to comfort someone in mourning
to help someone who is sick

The Question Library