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Days of the Week and Other Fun Tidbits

We build community through getting to know one another. Questions and games that encourage members to share about themselves really go a long way towards building that communal knowledge.

Setting up a schedule for the week can really help you keep the board moving. By a schedule, I mean really more of a plan. If you and your board members know that on Mondays you will ask them a news related question of the day, it really helps all involved. You know what you will be posting. They know what to expect and will come to read your question.

Your plan can and should include a variety of question types, games, and sharing times.

Introduce these SLOWLY. Try one and wait a week or two before adding the next.

Some Ideas For Days
Find Even  More Days Of The Week... ideas from other iVillage cls

Monday Moans or Wednesday Woes Invite your members to share the things that arent going right in their lives whether those things are missing socks from the laundry or a marriage that is falling apart. Even though the board community is always there for these sorts of things, having a day for it encourages even quite shy members to share what often can be big deal things.

The flip side of a woe/vent day is a day to share joys and blessings. I do this on Thursday, since my boards do Wednesday Woes. The members are ready to share some happiness.

The famous Friday Five-A question with 5 answers (5 favorite books for example) 5 questions, some light, some heavy, a nice way to wrap up the week

Plans for the week-A nice Monday way to touch base with members

Superlative Days-Post of the week, longest post, sweetest post, funniest post, most thought provoking. These can be tricky and should be handled with care in case you have some members who just dont post the sort of posts that can win and who will be hurt by not winning sometimes.

Share what you are reading day

News topic day-link to a news article applicable to the board and have a discussion about it

Field trip day-link them to somewhere in iVillage and send them on a field trip

Tip day-set a topic and ask for tips.

Forward day: give them a day to share all those great things that are forwarded to them. This can save your email box from being flooded as well!

Trivia day-the person getting the question right asks the next one and so on

More Days Of The Week...