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More Days Of The Week...

In January 2003, Board Q and A had a Days of the Week Contest. Here are the suggestions the participating cls made. Use them to inspire a theme for your board or just enjoy their alliteration.


Story Sunday

Sunday Confessions: again, sex boards, gets them going. Sometimes I just say "Fess up, what did you do this week?" Or I might say "What's the naughtiest thing you did this week?" Or "What's the most embarrassing thing?" etc.
Sunday Seven
Sunday Seven
Sunday Sevens
Sunday sillys... Jokes, games, puzzles
Sunday Something
Sunday we share something from worship service and/or Bible study
Sunday Weekly Menu
Sunday's Seven
Sunday's Share
Sunday's Stuff


Magnificent Monday
Make it Happen Monday or
Make it Monday
Makeover Monday
Manic Monday
Marvelous Monday
Mild Mondays
Monday  moans are for those days when everything seems to fall apart, and they need to vent.
Monday - Weekend Update
Monday is Moan Day: something you do that makes your lover moan; something you'd like to moan & groan about; etc
Monday Madness
Monday Mayhem... Let us know whats truly chaotic in your life right now
Monday Meanderings: General catch up after weekend sort of thingys.
Monday Memories, are just that, we talk about the board- when they first came, or just memories from home life, and even make them remember who said what from the board.
Monday Mini-mission
Monday Mishaps
Monday Monday
Monday Morning Musings
Monday Morning roll call with and a fun or topical question
Monday musings
Monday Roll Call & Silly Question
Monday, we have an "Iron Chef Challenge" recipe swap! I give them a "secret ingredient" and we all post recipes using that ingredient. Ocassionally instead of ingredients we will have themes --- like Holiday cookies, or Bake Sale Items, or A recipe you tried for the first time this week.
Monday's Madness
Money Saving Monday - coupon tips
Money Saving Monday - tasty frugal snacks


It's Tuesday, It Must Be Meat Loaf? I'll let your brain take it from there.

Tell All Tuesday
Tell Tale Tuesday
Terrific Thursday
Terrific Tuesday's

Terrific/Troublesome Tuesday Tell us something Terrific about your day or what seems to be troubling you.

Tightwad Tuesday - rice & beans & rice & beans
Totally Tuesday
Trace your roots Tuesday
Tricks of the Trade Tuesday
Tuesday - Take Me Back Tuesday
Tuesday tidbits
Tuesday Tips - usually with a link to iVillage resources
Tuesday Tips Day: Usually ask for two tips related to the board's subject. For example, on my sex boards, it might be two tips for kissing, two tips for giving good oral, etc.
Tuesday Toot Your Horn Day
Tuesday Triumphs
Tuesday Trivia
Tuesday Two
Tuesday, we have "Tuesday Two's" ... 5 questions with two answers each about some kind of "get-to-know-you" topic.
Tuesday's Tidbits
Two fer Tuesdays: Usually a fanasty question, like where would you live and why if money were no object.
Twofer Tuesday


Clean the Fridge Wednesday (throw-together meals from leftovers) which is also sometimes called Wednesday Water Day (food related, weight management buddies and rev up the boards day)

Hump Day
Humpday Humdingers.

Wacky Wednesday

Wacky Wednesday! This is where you share something funny your pet did in the last week
Washed out Wednesday
Water Wednesday
Website Wednesday
Wednesday - Woes and WooHoos
Wednesday Wants
Wednesday Whims
Wednesday Whine & Whoopeee
Wednesday Whoohoos!
Wednesday Why Not?
Wednesday Wisdom - what have you learned from tv chefs?
Wednesday Wishes
Wednesday Wishlist
Wednesday Woes and Wishes
Wednesday Woes, Wows, & Whoas - "woes" is obvious; something that made you say "wow," & something that made you say "Whoa! Don't go there."
Wednesday Wonderings: Some thoughts that I want to get some feedback on.
Wednesday Wonders 
Wednesday Woo-hoos! (brags, personal or board-related)
Wednesday WWYD
Wednesday, we have a QOTW (Question of the Week) ... usually wanting your opinion about something...often related to Methodist Parenting, but not always. Just last week, though, we decided to do a weekly devotional and discussion which will take place of the QOTW.
Wednesday's Wants
Wednesday's Wish (If you could have just one wish today, what would you wish for>)
Wednesday's Wishes
Wednesday's Woes
Wednesday's Wonderings
Wednesday's Work out
Weekend Plans
Wild Wednesday
Wishful Wednesday (wish something will happen today, let us know)
Wishful Wednesday-so is this
Wonderful Wednesday
Wonderful Wednesday

Wonderful Wednesday's Web stuff


Thankful Thursday Tell us what you are thankful for..
Therapy Thursday. (a chance to "vent" about something)
Thighsday Thoughts (food-related weight management buddies, trivia or thilliness, LOL!)
Thinking Thursday
Thoughtful Thursday
Three for Thursday w/ a Twist
Three Good Things Thursday
Three Habits Thursday
Thriftstore Thursday
Thrifty Thursday - one dollar challenge
Thundering Thursday! Guess I'll make truffles!
Thursday - Thursday Thoughts
Thursday Four
Thursday QOTW
Thursday Things About You - ask a thought-provoking question; or ask them to list ten things about themselves. That one really gets people talking to each other sometimes
Thursday Thoughts - An inspirational  quote
Thursday Thoughts: I try to make it inspirational or a question.
Thursday Threes
Thursday we share our prayer concerns, joy, praises, and blessing w/ eachother.
Thursday's things
Thursdays thinkers
Thursdays thoughts
Thursday's Three


Fabulous Friday
Family Friday Five
Fill me in Friday, due to having such a enormous board, some posts about milestones, b'days etc may be missed so this is a cheaters way of catching up with out sifting through the archives
Fleamarket Friday Five
Forget it Friday...(tell something from the week you would like to forget happened)
Frenzied, but, TG it *is* Friday
Friday Favorites
Friday Five: This one is just for fun. Whatever pops into my mind at the time.
Friday Follies. (Tell us a joke, anecdote, funny story, etc.)
Friday Frugal Finds (share your  adventures in shopping)  
Friday's Fittest
Fun Fancy Fridays
Fun Friday
Fun Friday Five
Fun Funky Fabulous Friday Five
Fun, Fearless Females Friday: (for my Cosmo board), sometimes it's just a QOTW; sometimes it's something like tell us about a time when you were fun & fearless; what's the most daring thing you want to do but don't have the nerve? Etc.
Funky Friday Five
Funny Friday
Funny Friday Five



Saturday or Sunday Surveys
Saturday Sex
Saturday Sillies
Saturday Six
Saturday Six (Six silly or getting-to-know-you type questions.).
Saturday Stuff
Saturday's Story
Saturday's Stuff
Selfish Saturday *what is one thing you will be doing for yourself today..


Brag Day