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Are Americans anti-fat?
Are bald men sexy?
Are company ethics important to you when you make investments?
Are cults bad?
Are dogs more faithful than cats?
Are ferrets sneaky?
Are fish friendly?
Are gardens enhanced by putting an inanimate object with the animate?
Are lessons learned the hard way learned better?
Are long hours a reflection of hard work?
Are meetings productive at your place of business?
Are mixed breeds smarter?
Are most journalists ethical?
Are most of your friends older or younger than you?
Are night creams worth the money and time?
Are people basically good?
Are people supportive of your efforts to exercise?
Are people supportive of your efforts to lose weight?
Are pets good for children?
Are pets worth the expense?
Are pets worth the worry?
Are pillows or your mattress more important?
Are pre paid credit cards a good way of keeping a handle on spending?
Are regular work hours important to you?
Are relationships better if you start out as friends first?
Are short stories worth writing?
Are spot reduction exercises effective?
Are strength training exercises valuable when you are attempting to lose weight?
Are the clocks in your house accurate?
Are the Yellow, Red and Black Seas actually yellow, red and black?
Are there any foods you stay clear of because the diet you chose recommends it?
Are there any foods you stay clear of because you don't feel good after you eat them?
Are there any foods you stay clear of because you know you can't eat just one?
Are there any foods you stay clear of because you know you can't eat just one?
Are there any journalists you regard particularly favorably - or unfavorably?
Are there any questions on medical forms that leave you out?
Are there any questions on medical forms that make you uncomfortable?
Are there features of your microwave you don't understand?
Are there hike/bike/ride trails in your area? Have you used them?
Are there people towards whom you feel superior?
Are there people you don't associate with because of how that might make you look?
Are there things you can't do in the world because of your gender?
Are there ways to know if you are better than someone just by the way they look or act?
Are we there yet?
Are you a cat lady?
Are you a day late and a dollar short?
Are you a feminist?
Are you a hat person?
Are you a lip balm addict?
Are you a member of a civil rights organization?
Are you a member of the clean plate club?
Are you a neat freak?
Are you a packrat?
Are you a part of any organized sports team?
Are you a self starter?
Are you a sucker for homeless pets?
Are you a techno geek?
Are you a tidy worker?
Are you a vegetarian?
Are you able to forgive your enemies?
Are you actively working on meeting your career goals?
Are you aggressive in paying off debt?
Are you allergic to any animals?
Are you always aware of your partner's presence even if you don't see or hear him?
Are you always professional at work?
Are you always the last to know at work?
Are you an organized worker?
Are you are risk taker?
Are you careful to use clean language at interviews? What if the interviewer swears?
Are you careful what kinds of plants you buy because of your pets?
Are you close to your mom and dad?
Are you comfortable alone?
Are you comfortable socializing in groups?
Are you comfortable spending time with one person?
Are you comfortable with how you take up space?
Are you comfortable with the physical space around you?
Are you concerned about menopause?
Are you conservative,live by the book,follow the plan?
Are you consistent in your exercise routine?
Are you currently in love?
Are you driven to succeed at your job?
Are you ever angry with fictional characters in books?
Are you ever ashamed of what you write in your journal?
Are you ever baffled by health stories?
Are you ever embarrassed to be human?
Are you ever inspired to learn how to do something after reading a fictional book where a character does it?
Are you ever lonely when surrounded by people?
Are you ever too busy to listen at work?
Are you faithful about keeping appointments?
Are you for or against the creation of human embryos for the sole purpose of stem cell research?
Are you generally monogamous?
Are you generally on time to work?
Are you good at negotiating with car salesmen?
Are you good at organizing parties?
Are you good at packing?
Are you good at reading body language at work?
Are you good with a search engine?
Are you good with eyeliner?
Are you happier today than in the past?
Are you honest with your journal?
Are you lost without a pet?
Are you more concerned now about the stock market and the economy as a whole than you were a year ago?
Are you more of a do-er or thinker at work?
Are you obsessive about reading labels?
Are you often lonely?
Are you on any type of restricted diet?
Are you one of the lucky ones in your family who people say over and over and over again "oh you look just like great aunt edna"....or some such thing?
Are you planning any shopping this weekend?
Are you planning for retirement?
Are you preoccupied with thoughts of eating?
Are you prone to impulse plant buying?
Are you pursuing your passion at work?
Are you quick to finish projects at work?
Are you registered to vote?
Are you Right brained (being creative) or Left brained (anaylitcal)?
Are you self conscious when eating in public?
Are you suspicious when he sends you flowers for no reason?
Are you taking classes or getting a degree to improve your position at your current place of business?
Are you taking diet pills?
Are you telling the truth when you lie in bed?
Are you the cat or the mouse when you are attracted to someone?
Are you the entertainment director in your family?
Are you there yet?
Are you ticklish?
Are you watching the current "Survivor" on TV?
Are you willing to honestly talk about money on this board?
Are you willing to say no at work?
Are you willing to talk about money with family?
Are you willing to talk about money with friends?
Are your bookmarks organized?
Are your dishes printed with flowers?
Are your initials an acronym for anything?
Are your nails polished?
Are your pets heartworm protected?
Are your pets licensed?
Are your pets shots up to date?
Are your pets spoiled?
Are your toenails polished?

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