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Food and Entertaining


Do you drink green tea?
Do you drink herbal tea?
Do you drink hot tea?
Do you drink iced tea? Year round or only in summer? Sweet or unsweet?
Do you drink out of your cereal bowl?
Do you drink plain coffee?
Do you grind your own coffee beans?
Do you like plain black tea bags?
Do you like specialty coffee drinks?
Do you like the taste of alcohol?
Do you make a good pot of coffee?
Do you own any coffee brewing/prep equipment?
Do you prefer flavored tea?
Do you remember your first taste of alcohol?
Have you ever created your own tea?
Have you ever tried home brewing beer or wine? Were you successful?
How many drinks is your limit?
How often do you drink milk? consume dairy products?
How strong do you like your coffee?
What do you normally drink at home?
What do you normally drink at work?
What do you normally drink in restaurants?
What do you usually order to drink at a restaurant?
What is your drink order?
White, Zin, or Red Wine?
Can you cook better than YOUR mother?
Can you cook better than your partner's mother? Would he tell her so?
Can you cook like your partner's mother?
Can you make chicken noodle soup from scratch?
Did you know you can make cheesecake with a cake mix and have you ever done so?
Did your parents make a special first day of school breakfast every year?
Do you "scrape" burned toast or just start over?
Do you doctor cake mixes to give them your own touch? How do you do it?
Do you ever cook in parchment bags?
Do you ever cook with Miracle Whip?
Do you ever cook with salad dressing?
Do you ever grill vegetables?
Do you ever make your own biscuits?(not that canned kind!)
Do you ever make your own mixes for baked goods or other convenience foods?
Do you ever use mayonaise in cooked dishes?
Do you know what braising is?
Do you like to cook?
Do you precook your lasagna noodles or do you layer before cooking?
Do you tear or cut your salad greens?
Do you use fresh herbs in your cooking?
Do you use frozen pastry shells or sheets and what do you fill them with?
Do you usually make a cake from scratch or always from a mix?
Everyone has a secret chili recipe or ingredient, what is yours?
Have you ever been given or given a friendship bread or friendship cake starter?
Have you ever canned your own food? Did you trust it?
Have you ever cooked your own artichoke?
Have you ever made cookies, bars, or biscotti from a cake mix?
Have you ever made your own cheese? Yogurt cheese?
How did you learn to cook?
How do you make salad?
How often do you cook?
How often does the smoke alarm go off because of your cooking?
Milk, water or neither when you make scrambled eggs?
What celebrity do you want to cook dinner for?
What do you do when you are in the middle of a recipe and you find you are short an ingredient like flour that you have already started adding?
What do you like to cook in an aluminum foil pouch?
What do you wish you could make just like mama?
What is the first thing you ever cooked?
What is the most complicated thing you have ever cooked? Was it worth the effort?
What is your earliest cooking memory?
What is your method for making gravy?
What thing that you cook never turns out the same way twice?
What three spices could you not cook without?
What would you fix for a late night snack?
What would you like for breakfast today?
What's for dinner?
What's the one dish (main course, dessert, appetizer, doesn't matter) that you have never mastered but would like to?
What's your signature dish?
When was the last time you baked something from scratch?
When was the last time you baked?
When was the last time you cooked?
Which celebrity chef would you like to cook for you
You are making your world famous ******** go to the cupboard and discover you are out of ********. Please post your emergency substitutions
Your well meaning mother in law found gallon jugs of vinegar at an amazing low price and bought you ten! How are you going to use up all this vinegar?
You've made a batch of spaghetti sauce, but in the midst of letting it simmer you are called to the school to pick up your child who is sick. When you arrive back home you discover that the sauce has burned on the bottom of the pot. Can you salvage some of the sauce? And how do you get the burned sauce off the bottom of the pot?
Do you  snack in front of the tv?
Do you always serve breakfast foods for breakfast, lunch foods for lunch, and dinner foods for dinner?
Do you eat breakfast? Why? Why not?
Do you eat fast?
Do you eat for enjoyment?
Do you eat meals in front of the tv?
Do you ever get up for a midnight snack?
Do you have tv tables that you eat off of?
Do you like breakfast in bed?
Do you regularly have dessert?
Do you salt without tasting?
Do you snack more or eat bigger meals?
Have you ever gotten your tongue stuck to something frozen?
How much soy do you eat?
If you were hungry for a late night snack, what would you fix?
What are you having for dinner tonight?
What could you do to make dinnertime more interesting or exciting?
What did you have for dinner yesterday?
What did you have to eat today?
What did you really want to eat today?
What meal can you make in less than 30 minutes?
What meal is good for those nights when you have places to go and things do after work but don't want to do fast food?
What meat do you like best on the grill?
When was the last time you  ate something salty?
When was the last time you ate something sweet?
When was the last time you ate?
Apple or Banana (and do you like greenish bananas or really ripe ones?)
Best kind of cake 
Describe your dream ice cream sundae? Have you ever been able to find it in an ice cream parlor?
Do fish tacos sound good to you?
Do organic foods taste better?
Do you always throw away cracked eggs?
Do you bake or buy your cookies?
Do you do all your shopping at the same grocery store or do you shop several for the specials?
Do you eat caesar salad?
Do you eat candy?
Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Do you eat your pizza with a fork and knife or pick it up?
Do you ever eat baby food now?
Do you keep comfort food stocked in your house at all times?
Do you know the first thing you ever ate?
Do you know what falafal is? Have you ever had it?
Do you know what trans fatty acids are?
Do you know your first finger food?
Do you like a flavored instant oatmeal?
Do you like biscuits with honey?
Do you like cooked oatmeal with stuff added and what sort of things added do you like?
Do you like croutons?
Do you like eggnog?
Do you like fruitcakes?
Do you like grits?
Do you like hard-boiled eggs?
Do you like seafood?
Do you make a grocery list?
Do you prefer traditional soft pretzels or flavored ones like parmesan or cinnamon raisin?
Do you prefer your sandwich on bread or a roll?
Do you say Puh-cahn or Pee-can?
Do you say Toe-may-toe or toe-mah-toe?
Do you try to buy organic foods?
Do you want cake for your birthday or something else?
Have you ever eaten an avocado? How do you eat them?
Have you ever left zucchini on someone's doorstep?
Have you ever served Sushi?  Do you even like it?
Have you ever used dried beef in a recipe? Did you like it? What recipe?
Have you ever written a poem to your favorite food?
Have you tried a veggie burger at a fast food restaurant even if you aren't a vegetarian?
Here comes the ice cream truck! What do you want?
How do you pronounce Pecan? Pe-CAN or Pe-Kahn?
How do you treat an "ice cream headache?"
How often do you grocery shop?
How often do you order in?
How often do you serve seafood for dinner?
How often do you use convenience foods?
How often do you use pre-prepared meals?
If you make a grocery  list, do you buy what is on the list only or do you add alot of extras to your grocery cart when you see items that look good or interesting?
If you were a breakfast, what breakfast would you be?
If you were a cocktail, what cocktail would you be?
If you were a food, what food would you be?
If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be?
Salad dressing? Oil and vinegar? Or undressed salad?
Truffles or just plain chocolate?
What attracts you in food packaging?
What candy bar do you wish you had right now?
What canned foods do you always have in the house?
What can't you just eat one of?
What dish do people request you bring to a potluck?
What dish do you hate making but your family loves it?
What dish do you like to take to potlucks?
What dish do you love to make?
What dish do you love to see at potlucks?
What dish do you make that is time-consuming?
What do you do about breakfast on the run?
What do you eat on toast?
What do you just HAVE to have in your picnic basket?
What do you like on your biscuits?
What do you like on your waffles?
What do you put on your baked potato?
What do you want on the menu for your last meal?
What food do you detest?
What food do you most often crave?
What food evokes bad memories for you?
What food evokes good memories for you?
What food item requires an emergency trip to the store if you run out?
What food makes you feel better when you are feeling blah?
What food product do you always stock up on when you see it on sale?
What food reminds you most of Autumn and fits your personality?
What food safety measures do you take?
What food that you thought was yucky in childhood do you love to eat now?
What food will you never eat again?
What foods do you detest?
What foods do you make to woo your sweetie?
What foods have you bought or received as gifts that you think you may never use? (Anyone pick up some sauce from a specialty shop on vacation, get it home and it stares at you from the cupboard?)
What grocery store do you shop at most often? Why?
What gum/breath mints/breath spray do you use?
What happens to the last handfull of chips?
What is Fluff and what in the world do I do with it?
What is the best way to eat peanut butter?
What is the most delicious dessert?
What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
What is your bagel order?
What is your dream sandwich?
What kind of cooking oil do you use?
What kind of ice cream do you want right now?
What snack food would you most enjoy right now?
What snacks do you munch on while working on the computer?
What sort of chocolate ice cream do you like? plain? with stuff in it? Even if you don't LIKE chocolate ice cream if you have to have it...what kind?
What types of food MUST have garlic in them or they are just not "right"?
What vegetable will you never eat?
What was your reaction to baby food?
What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
When was the last time you had oatmeal?
Would you rather eat fried worms or baked ladybugs?

Do you add your own touches to a recipe?
Do you collect cookbooks?
Do you ever try the recipes on the sides of cake mix boxes?
Do you follow a recipe to the letter, or do you tend to improvise?
Do you have a recipe for homemade ice cream? How often do you make it?
Do you have a recipe that you make for sick friends?
Do you rate your new recipes?
Do you read cookbooks?
Does your newspaper have a Food section with recipes?
Do you have a favorite food columnist?
From what source do you usually find new recipes?
Have you ever entered a recipe contest? What recipe did you enter?
Have you ever entered one of your specialties in a county fair? Did you win?
How closely do you follow a recipe?
How do you keep track of recipes you find and want to try?
How do you remember which recipe is in which cookbook?
How many cookbooks do you have?
How often do you try new recipes?
How often do you use a recipe?
If a recipe is not a "Keeper" meaning you really did not like you still stash it or do you throw it away?
If you were asked to add 3 recipes  to a time capsule, what would they be? Post those recipes
Is there a recipe on a package that you often use?
Is there a recipe that used to be on a brand name item's packaging that you wish you had written down?
What "secret recipe" do you wish you had?
What cookbook did you use most recently?
What recipe do you have a secret ingredient in?
What recipe do you make a different way every time (or just has endless variations)?
What recipe do you use most frequently to make ___________?
Where do you usually find the best new recipes?

Do you ever go out to eat alone?
Do you ever make the healthier choices at fast food restaurants?
Do you usually order an appetizer and/or dessert at a restaurant?
Have you ever considered opening a restaurant? Why have you not taken the plunge?
Have you ever eaten in a sit-down restaurant alone?
How often do you eat out?
If I came to your town, where would you recommend I eat in each price range?
If you were to open a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
If you were to open a restaurant, what would you name it?
What celebrity would you want to go to a restaurant with?
What chain restaurant do you find to be the best value?
What is the best restaurant in your area?
What is the most exquisite restaurant at which you have eaten?
What is your pet peeve when dining out?
What restaurant is a great place to take vegetarians?
What will you order out that you never cook at home?
Where do you go for good bbq?
Why are appetizers at restaurants so often meat items?
Would your partner know without you there what you would order at a restaurant?

Do you entertain more in the winter or the summer?
Do you have a certain food that you always serve at your gatherings or do you always make sure you never serve the same thing twice to the same guests?
Do you just serve regular Ice at parties or do you add  flower's and/or fruit frozen in your ice?
Do you like going on picnics?
Do you normally do BYOB or serve a punch at parties?
Do you use themes at your parties?
Have you ever done a "Formal Cocktail Party"?
Have you ever hosted a "dinner party"? (a no kids, make way too expensive, way too rich food, blow out dinner party?)
Have you ever used caviar when serving appetizers?
How do you keep foods at parties at the right serving temperature?
How many people do you usually invite for a gathering?
How often do you entertain? weekly, monthly, a few times a year.
What's your party drink, alcoholic or not.
Why do so many appetizers have cream cheese?
Your significant other calls at 3pm.......I invited my department to the house in 3 hours for an informal cocktail party. What do you do?
Attitudes and Opinions
A smell that makes your mouth water, even if you aren't hungry:
A taste that makes you melt:
Are Americans anti-fat?
Are you a vegetarian?
Do any foods cause you stress?
Do any foods give you a headache?
Do you believe caffeine is harmful?
Do you like to eat any foods that are dyed blue?
Do you think fast food restaurants are trending towards healthier foods?
Do you think natural foods are better for you than processed foods?
Do you think sugar is harmful?
Do you think there is too much emphasis on healthy eating?
Have you ever sung a song about food?
How do you plan your meals?
If skill, money and health concerns were no object, what would you make for your dream meal?
Meal that cheers you up
What meal always makes you happy to think about?
Who has shaped your attitudes towards food?
Whose refrigerator would you like to see inside?
Why do we refer to so many fruits (like tomatoes, eggplants) as vegetables?
Why does toast land jelly side down?
Write a haiku about your favorite food!
Appliances and Gadgets
Are there features of your microwave you don't understand?
Do you ever bake in your toaster oven or do you just make toast?
Do you ever use your microwave to "really" cook something, not just reheat?
Do you have a bread machine? Do you use it?
Do you have a kitchen appliance you really wanted but never use?
Do you prefer a gas grill or charcoal grill?
Do you tend to BBQ  to keep the house cool?
Do you use any of the features of your microwave other than the cook on high feature?
Do you use the beverage button on your microwave?
Do you use the popcorn button on your microwave?
Do you use your grill all year or just the summer months?
Have you ever bought a kitchen appliance from an infomercial? Did it live up to its claims or is it gathering dust?
How do you clean your crock pot?
How often do you use your grill during the summer?
What appliances are on your kitchen counter?
What features do you look for in a toaster?
What is the dumbest kitchen appliance you ever bought?
What is the newest kitchen "gadget" you bought? (Not appliances)
What kitchen gadget would you like to buy? 
What kitchen gadget do you love/use most?
What kitchen gadget do you use for a purpose for which it is not intended? (Rolling pin as a hammer anyone?)
What kitchen gadget do you want but don't have?
What setting is your toaster on? How dark do you like your toast?
Your Kitchen

Can you allow other people to cook in your kitchen?
Do you allow other people in the kitchen when you cook?
Do you clear the table and wash dishes right after a meal or just stack them?
Do you keep peanut butter in the fridge or in the cupboard?
Do you store tomatoes in the fridge or on the counter?
Go look…is anything growing hair in your produce drawer right now?
Have you ever set your kitchen on fire?
How do you decide if something has just been in the fridge too long?
How do you save time in the kitchen?
How do you store fresh vegetables? Have you tried any of those special bags for storing fresh veggies? Do they really extend the storage time?
How do you store your lids to pots and pans?
How do you wash salad greens? Do you dry them?
How is your pantry organized?
How many coolers do you have?
How many coolers have spiders or mildew in them in your garage?
How many different condiments are in your refrigerator right now?
How many jars of spices do you have right now?
How many of your plastic storage dishes have lost their lids?
How many potholders do you have? Are any homemade?
How many types of sugar do you have in your house?
What cutting board safety measures do you take?
What do you have on the door to your fridge right now?
What has been your biggest kitchen disaster?
What is on your kitchen table right now?
What is the best way to store onions?
What is the oldest thing in your freezer?
Where do you store your spices? Spice rack? Cabinet? Top of the stove?
Food and Family
Do you pick parsley or spinach out of your partner's teeth?
Do you put candles on the table for dinner even if you have no special company or occasion?
Do you set the table for dinner every day?
Does anyone not throw away the empty cereal box?
Does anyone put the empty milk carton back in the fridge?
Does your partner know how you like your coffee?
Has your partner ever made you breakfast in bed?
Have you ever made your partner breakfast in bed?
If you could pass down only one recipe to your children, what would it be?
Who buys the beer at your house?
Who cooks the bbq?
Who eats the last cookie?
Who gets the beer from the fridge?
Who gets the last square of chocolate?
Who in your home is most likely to run out for a late night snack?
Who is the biggest snacker in your house?
Who prepares the tv snacks?

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