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Diet and Fitness

Questions on Diet, Weight Loss, Weight, Exercise, Sports, Fitness and Health

Diet, Weight, and Weight Loss
Are people supportive of your efforts to lose weight?
Are there any foods you stay clear of because the diet you chose recommends it?
Are there any foods you stay clear of because you don't feel good after you eat them?
Are there any foods you stay clear of because you know you can't eat just one?
Are you taking diet pills?
Can you lose weight without exercise?
Can you maintain weight loss without exercise?
Did anyone tell you to diet?
Do others worry about your weight?
Do you accept responsibility for your weight?
Do you believe a prescription medicine that you are taking caused you to gain weight?
Do you believe a prescription medicine that you are taking is making it harder to lose weight?
Do you believe your scale?
Do you blame other people for your diet failures?
Do you buy diet foods?
Do you count calories?
Do you count carbs?
Do you count fat grams?
Do you diet better with a buddy?
Do you diet better with pre-prepared meals or shakes or cooking your own meals?
Do you do body fat testing as part of measuring your progress?
Do you find yourself moody when on a diet?
Do you have a health condition that makes weight loss a challenge?
Do you know what ketosis is and how it works?
Do you know your BMI?
Do you like when your partner notices you have lost weight?
Do you plan out your diet meals for the week and keep them on a certain day?
Do you play games with your scale…such as weighing naked vs clothed? Before and after using the bathroom?
Do you struggle with diet plateaus?
Do you take vitamins or other supplements because you are on a diet?
Do you think crash dieting has effected your metabolic rate?
Do you think herbal teas can help you lose weight?
Do you take your diet one meal at a time?
Do you watch your weight or just hope you don't gain weight?
Does making a list make off diet purchases at the grocery easier for you?
Does muscle weigh more than fat?
Does your partner sabotage your efforts to lose weight?
Have you consulted a dietition?
Have you ever belonged to an offline weight loss support group?
Have you ever been on a fad diet?
Have you ever been on a fast?
Have you ever been on a juice diet?
Have you ever tried apple cider vinegar to lose weight?
Have you ever tried diet pills?
Have you ever tried weight loss shakes? What were the pros and cons?
Have you found any diet wonder foods?
Have you had success with a commercial diet program?
Have you had success with a do it yourself diet program?
Have you tried any herbal weight loss teas?
Have you tried Splenda?
How did you choose the eating plan you are on now?
How do you avoid "hot spots" in your grocery store?
How do you balance your family's desire for tempting off diet foods with your cravings for them?
How do you curb hunger?
How do you deal with diet plateaus?
How do you deal with large portion sizes at restaurants?
How do you deal with PMS cravings?
How do you deal with setbacks on your diet?
How do you feel when people mention your weight loss?
How do you feel when people mention your weight?
How do you hope your weight loss will affect your health?
How do you get back on a diet when you fall off?
How do you jazz up your diet without adding fat or calories?
How do you keep weekends from breaking your diet?
How do you plan on maintaining your goal weight?
How do you reward yourself for sticking to your diet?
How do you set mini goals?
How do you speed weight loss up when it slows down?
How do you start your day carb free without egg whites?
How do you stay off the diet roller coaster?
How do you stay on your diet when you are on a business trip?
How do you stay on your diet when you are on vacation?
How do you stay on your diet when you visit family?
How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal weight?
How do you track what you eat?
How has your diet affected your health in the past?
How have you cut your fat intake?
How have you cut your intake of "empty calories?"
How have you cut your sugar intake?
How have you moved past diet plateaus?
How is your current diet affecting your health?
How is your skin reacting to your diet?
How long were you on your diet before you lost weight?
How long were you on your first diet?
How many diets have you been on?
How much weight have you lost on other diets only to regain it?
How often do you reward yourself for progress towards your goal?
How often do you weigh yourself?
How old were you when you went on your first diet?
How does coming to this board help support you in your diet?
Is anyone in your house dieting with you?
Is it important to your diet to track what you eat?
Is there a ritual that makes you feel better that you do to keep yourself on your diet?
Is your scale your enemy or friend?
What are some ways you have dealt with mid-day doldrums that you used to deal with by eating?
What are some ways you have used to turn down extra portions at meals?
What are some ways you have used to turn down goodies that are being foisted on you at work?
What are you using for motivation?
What are your mini goals for the week?
What behaviors did/do you have that caused you to gain weight?
What diets have you tried?
What do you add to water to give taste without calories?
What do you do about flabby skin after weight loss?
What do you think about the claims of fat reduction creams? Have you ever bought any?
What is a healthy rate of weight loss?
What is the best way to test body fat?
What is the most weight you have ever lost? How did you lose it?
What is your dieting weak point?
What is your ideal weight?
What kind of diet was your first diet?
What kind of scale do you have?
What is your dream weight?
What little things add up as calorie burners?
What low calorie snack foods are dangerous for you because they start binging?
What low calorie snack foods do you keep at work?
What makes you fall off your diet?
What weight do you feel best at?
What were the results of your first diet?
When was the last time you were at a healthy weight?
What would your life be like if food were not a focus?
Why did you choose the diet you are on?
Attitudes about Eating, Food and Your Body
Are you a member of the clean plate club?
Are you comfortable with how you take up space?
Are you comfortable with the physical space around you?
Are you obsessive about reading labels?
Are you preoccupied with thoughts of eating?
Are you self conscious when eating in public?
Can you consume huge amounts of food in a short period?
Can you have tempting foods in your home without eating them?
Describe one of your eating binges as emotionally as possible. Bookmark this post.
Describe one of your eating binges as visually as possible.  Bookmark this post.
Did your parents believe in finish everything on your plate?
Did your parents bribe you with food to behave or get good grades as a child?
Did your parents give you food to cheer you up as a child?
Do other people tell you to eat more?
Do other people worry about how you are eating?
Do you believe a  healthy lunch is a salad and glass of water? Why? Why not?
Do you believe everyone should drink 64 ounces of water everyday? Why? Why not?
Do you believe if it is all natural, it is good for you? Why? Why not?
Do you believe if you are trying to lose weight you should stick to 3 planned meals each day? Why? Why not?
Do you believe you  should try to get your dietary fat as low as possible? Why? Why not?
Do you believe you know what you look like to other people?
Do you ever eat in secret?
Do you ever eat in the car?
Do you ever eat until you are uncomfortable?
Do you ever feel guilty after you have eaten?
Do you ever head to the fridge because you are lonely?
Do you ever not know how much you have eaten because you have been in sort of a trance?
Do you feel comfort when you eat?
Do you feel healthy the way you are eating?
Do you feel your diet is nutritious?
Do you find drinking water curbs hunger?
Do you find yourself compulsive in other ways besides food?
Do you have control issues with food?
Do you head to the fridge when you are anxious?
Do you head to the fridge when you are bored?
Do you know the symptoms of an eating disorder?
Do you look at the feelings you really are experiencing when you "feel fat"?
Do you make an effort to sit down at a table to eat?
Do you make verbalize the excuses you make about food to other people?
Do you only eat when you are hungry?
Do you prefer to eat alone or with other people?
Do you record food you eat while standing up in your journal?
Do you remember how you felt on your first diet?
Do you use sugar substitutes?
Do you use utensils when you eat?
Does anyone shame you about your food intake?
Does anyone tease you about your food intake?
Does nothing taste as good as being in control feels?
Has anyone ever suggested to you that you have an eating disorder?
Has your partner ever said you were fat?
Have you ever sought medical treatment for your weight?
Have you ever taken a prescription diet drug?
Have you ever taken anything to build muscle?
Have you ever thought you had an eating disorder?
Have you tried NOT finishing everything on your plate? How do you feel?
Have you tried putting your food on a smaller plate to fool your brain into thinking you have served yourself more?
Have your past efforts to control your food intake failed? Why?
How are you going about changing the attitudes behind your weight gain?
How are you going about changing the behaviors behind your weight gain?
How can you deal with stress in a way other than eating?
How do you deal with being a life long clean plate club member and eating sensibly?
How do you deal with feelings you used to suppress by eating?
How do you distinguish between physical and emotional hunger?
How do you exhibit self consciousness about food when buying it?
How do you exhibit your self consciousness about food when eating at restaurants?
How do you exhibit your self consciousness about food when ordering in?
How do you know it is time to eat?
How do you know you are hungry?
How do you picture the fat in your body?
How do you prevent yourself from overeating when you are not hungry?
How do you prevent yourself from overeating when you have waited too long to eat?
How do you provide non-food sweetness in your life?
How do you remember to drink more water?
How much water have you drunk today?
In what ways are you preoccupied with food?
In what ways are you secretive with food?
What causes you to emotionally eat?
What does hungry feel like to you?
What excuses do you make to yourself about the food you eat?
What excuses do you make to yourself about the food you order in?
What excuses do you make to yourself about the food you purchase?
What excuses do you make to yourself about the food you select in restaurants?
What do you say and feel when you are caught being secretive with food?
What function does food serve for you?
What function is food serving for you at this moment?
What is the feeling of fat?
What one thing would you change about your body?
What time of day do you find yourself preoccupied with food?
Where do you usually eat?
Who are you afraid will catch you so that you are secretive with food?
Who is compassionate and supportive of your struggles with food?
Whose idea was your first diet?
With whom do you usually eat?
Exercise, Fitness and Sports
A sport you enjoy playing:
A sport you enjoy watching:
Are people supportive of your efforts to exercise?
Are spot reduction exercises effective?
Are strength training exercises valuable when you are attempting to lose weight?
Are there hike/bike/ride trails in your area? Have you used them?
Are you a part of any organized sports team?
Are you consistent in your exercise routine?
Can you hula hoop?
Can you jump rope?
Can you swim?
Do you belong to a gym?
Do you buy hiking gear (like backpacks) designed for women or do you go with a unisex design?
Do you enjoy hiking?
Do you enjoy snow boarding or skiing?
Do you exercise regularly?
Do you exercise when you are sick?
Do you feel better if you eat before or after exercise?
Do you find walking to be a stress reliever or just exercise?
Do you have a health condition that makes exercise a challenge?
Do you have any tips for enjoying walking on a treadmill?
Do you know what extreme sports are?
Do you have your calendar filled up several months in advance with plans for outdoor trips or do you wait till the last minute and pick your activity right before you go do it?
Do you know what Pilates are? Do you know how to say it? Have you tried them?
Do you know what your heart rate zone should be during exercise?
Do you like to sleep outdoors? How do you make it comfortable?
Do you listen to music when you walk?
Do you make friends on the teams you are a part of or do you just play the game with them?
Do you own exercise equipment?
Do you own exercise videos?
Do you plan your times for exercise or do you do it spontaneously?
Do you rent or buy sports equipment?
Do you rent sports equipment until you are sure you enjoy the sport or do you go all out before you even try it?
Do you skip your workout if your previous workout left you sore?
Do you think about the calories burned with every movement of your body?
Do you THINK it is better to eat before or after exercise?
Do you think that people attracted to extreme sports also enjoy extreme weather?
Do you think that sports help develop good character?
Do you unicycle?
Do you work large muscles to small or the other way around?
Does no pain really mean no gain when it comes to fitness?
Does your gym bag smell?
Have you consulted a personal trainer?
Have you ever been a part of a biking group?
Have you ever been snow boarding?
Have you ever been to a major sporting event?
Have you ever been to a mud wrestling competition?
Have you ever been to a sports camp?
Have you ever been to an Olympic event?
Have you ever injured yourself by compulsively exercising?
Have you ever participated in an exercise fad?
Have you ever participated in an extreme sport?
Have you ever participated in the Women in the Outdoors program?
Have you ever reached your goal weight?
Have you ever ridden a bicycle built for two?
Have you ever run in a marathon? If so where? If not, do you ever want to?
Have you ever taken part in some activity that you did for a cause? Like an aids walk or walk for MS?
Have you ever tried kayaking?
Have you ever tried to change your metabolism?
Have you ever tried volunteering in order to add activity to an otherwise sedentary life?
Have you thought about bouldering?
Have you tried balance ball workouts?
Have you tried indoor rock climbing?
How can we work exercise into our daily routine?
How did you learn to play your sport?
How did you learn your extreme sport?
How did you learn your fitness routine?
How do you choose a backpack?
How do you choose a good exercise class for you?
How do you decide your workout routine is effective?
How do you feel after a workout?
How do you find friends to join you in your sporting activities?
How do you get a flatter, toned tummy?
How do you handle it when winter weather keeps you from pursuing your favorite outdoor fitness or sports activity?
How do you keep in shape with a busy schedule?
How do you overcome your exercise barriers?
How do you reward yourself for exercise?
How do you save money on sports equipment?
How do you treat sports related injuries?
How does coming to this board help support you in your exercise goals?
How many times a week do you exercise?
Is bowling exercise?
Is exercise it's own reward?
Is snowshoe-ing something you have ever wanted to try?
Is there an Olympic sport you wish you could try?
Should you exercise when you feel under the weather?
What are the advantages of external frame backpacks?
What are the advantages of internal frame backpacks?
What are the most common barriers to exercise?
What are the reasons you enjoy working out?
What are the top two extreme sports in your area?
What are things to be aware of when buying used sports gear?
What are you achieving by exercising?
What are your activity goals for this month?
What breathing techniques do you use during exercise? Do you feel they are important?
What do you always have with you when you exercise?
What do you carry with you when you walk?
What do you do about sweaty/dirty exercise equipment at the gym?
What do you do when you go to the gym and it is too crowded?
What do you hope to achieve with exercise?
What exercise do you do?
What exercise do you hate?
What exercise do you love?
What exercise equipment have you bought and regretted?
What exercises do you use to train a specific body part?
What extreme sport equipment are you lusting after?
What features do you look for in a bicycle?
What information would you like on extreme sports?
What is the best time of day to exercise?
What is the hottest and the coldest weather you have ever gone out and done an outdoor activity in?
What is the longest in advance you plan your sports or exercise activities?
What is the most enjoyable part of going out and participating in your sport or fitness activity?
What is the most radical sports trick or skill you have accomplished?
What is the piece of sport or fitness gear do you absolutely love?
What is the purpose of your fitness program?
What is your after exercise cool-down?
What is your dream bicycle?
What is your favorite "outdoor" website?
What kind of exercise can you do with bad knees?
What kind of stretching routine do you use?
What makeup and how much do you wear to a workout or while exercising?
What makeup products stand up to your workout?
What motivates you to exercise?
What outdoor activities do you participate in or are interested in?
What should you keep in mind when buying new sports gear?
What time of day do you find it best to exercise?
What time of year do you do the most outdoorsy sports?
What time of year is the busiest for your sporting activities?
What warm up do you do before exercise?
What was your biggest planning mistake when it came to an outdoor sport?
What's the best self-defense tip you've ever heard?
When is it too cold for outdoor sports?
When is it too hot for outdoor sports?
When you really don't want to get up off the couch, where does your motivation come from?
Where do you buy new sporting gear?
Where do you learn about new sporting gear?
Where do you like to swim?
Which is more fun: cross-country or downhill skiing?
Which is more important: Inches or Pounds?
Which method for easing stress do you prefer, hard physical exercise (like running or aerobics) OR meditation (yoga or chanting or breathing therapies)?
Why do you participate in the sport or fitness activity you have chosen?
Would you rather be an individual sports champion or team sport champion member?
Would you scuba dive?
Would you sky dive?
Would you swim across the Amazon?

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